Saturday, July 27, 2024

What is ECO-Schools?

The ECO-Schools Programme is a certification programme under the leadership of the ECO-Schools Committee. It guides student action teams within schools on their journey towards sustainability by providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life. It offers flexibility, allows creativity and encourages innovation on how the school plans to transform itself into becoming an eco-friendly institution.

The school, led by the students, has to decide for itself how it will achieve these changes in line with becoming a more responsible member of our planet.

The ECO-Schools Programme provides substantial opportunity for all of the children at your school to become involved in this process - to learn, understand and make a solid contribution towards making our planet clean and green.

Along the left you will see a toolbar which will go into more detail about the scheme itself, but we just wanted to let you know that this entire site is  work-in-progress, because as time moves on we will be adding links to lesson plans, forums, and every imaginable resource we can find so that you can use this as a starting point for solving any challenges you might face as well as any questions you might have.  So, in case you find something elsewhere on the internet that you think would help teachers here, feel free to let us know and we will share it with everyone else.

We welcome your comments and look forward to doing everything we can to help you and your students work more effectively.

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