Saturday, July 27, 2024


The world says that the children are the leaders of tomorrow!

Now is the time for you to work positively towards that...

You are the driving force behind the ECO-Schools Programme - this initiative will offer you the opportunity to become a leader! We will empower you to use your teachers as mentors while you plan on how you want the school to improve through the various eco-initiatives and environmental projects which you can then carry out.

It’s time to get your team together! Your Action Team is made up of students and also includes the teachers and parents.

It is the Action Team’s responsibility to identify opportunities to improve, reduce or develop your schools environmental awareness. Note down your ideas and come up with a FRAMEWORK of action. Once the framework is in place, the next level of recognition is attained by turning words into action. 

As members of your Action Team, your task is to:

  • Identify an area in the school that you want to improve
  • Make a plan that will involve the whole school and submit it to us for approval
  • Once you have approval, implement the plan
  • Record the changes with pictures, statistics, any evidence you can get
  • Report back any changes, and submit all your evidence to us through the website
  • We will review your project and award you the appropriate ECO-Star

Now that you have an idea what ECO-Schools Programme is all about, it’s time to put those ideas into practice. So, good luck and don’t forget to record your progress.


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